
Renaissance BioScience Files Provisional Application

Renaissance BioScience Files Provisional Application for Patent of its Novel Non-GMO Acrylamide-Reducing Baker's Yeast

Vancouver, Canada –Renaissance BioScience Corp., with its wholly owned subsidiaryRenaissance Ingredients Inc., is pleased to announce the filing of aprovisional application to the US Patent and Trademark Office for thepatent of its non-GMO acrylamide-reducing (AR) baker’s yeast. Theapplication protects the company’s adaptively evolved yeast strains thatnaturally reduce acrylamide by up to 95% in a variety of foods.

Acrylamideis a World Health Organization Group IIA carcinogen that has been shownto be mutagenic and neurotoxic in a variety of laboratory animalstudies. In 2002, acrylamide was identified in a range of commonfoods including bread, toast, potato chips, fries, cereals, and coffee.Acrylamide is not added to foods, but forms naturally from the aminoacid asparagine when foods are heated above 120 °C (e.g. baking, roasting, or frying).

“OurAR yeast is an important step towards solving the global healthconcerns posed by dietary acrylamide,” said Renaissance IngredientsPresident Dr. Matthew Dahabieh. “Our testing, both in-house and withcommercial partners, demonstrates that AR yeast reduces acrylamide byup to 95% in a variety of foods.”

Renaissance’s AR yeaststrains are traditional baker’s yeast with an accelerated naturalability to consume asparagine, thereby reducing acrylamide. As such,AR yeast can seamlessly replace conventional yeast without disruptionto the baking process. Renaissance Ingredients has also conductednumerous successful studies using AR yeast in foods where yeast isnot a traditional ingredient.

“Our in-house studies highlight theversatility and efficacy of our AR yeast in reducing acrylamide notonly in baked goods and toast, but also in potato products, snackfoods, cereal products, and coffee. We are now looking to demonstratethis efficacy in pilot-scale trials by working closely with interestedindustry partners,” adds Dahabieh.

About Renaissance BioScience Corp. and Renaissance Ingredients Inc.

RenaissanceBioScience Corp., based in Vancouver, Canada, is a privately heldapplied life sciences company that develops yeast-based platformtechnologies to solve industrial and health problems in the food andbeverage industries. Renaissance Ingredients Inc., a wholly ownedsubsidiary of Renaissance BioScience Corp., is responsible forcommercializing AR yeast for the global food manufacturing industry.

For more information please contact:

Dave Reichert
Vancouver, BC, Canada
+01 604 822-6499

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